It's not easy nor will it ever be. But I do have moments when I can exhale and it doesn't hurt as much. The last time I hiked Runyon was with my brother on a hot and Windex clear day like today. Air is hot and thick but the breeze is cool and still- much like my state of mind sitting and staring off hoping to see Charley come around the bend. Being with his buddies helps. I feel closer to him. Pretending I'm really him joking and shooting the shit. I'm as strong as I can and need to be. I'm exactly where I should be. No shield. No frontin'. Just reaching for any assurance and tangibility of my selfless brother, Charley.
We are ignorant to pain and tragedy until it personally affects us and derails our core. With my blog, I encourage human emotion, naked reality, and a drive to share my own experiences in hopes of providing spiritual relief for so many or even just one~you.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
First Day Back to Our Spot @ The Beach
My body is moving but my mind, heart and soul are stuck. Complete emotional lock down. A solemn cycle of the same emotions. Repeated. Fresh. And unable to shake it off. I absent-mindedly scroll through FB and IG and am stung with envy~ you're all living life as if nothing happened. Because nothing did. At least not to you. You're all functioning, which is something I'm not doing and don't know when I will. Everything seems abnormal to me because my brother is gone. Brushing my teeth, driving my car, holding Mia's all indescribably painful. Because I know Charley won't do these things, because I know I can't call him to tell him what I've done with my day, because Charley no longer lives in this life with me. It's as though I'm walking around without an arm or a leg. I've lost an extremely important limb. It was once there and now it's not. Phantom pains.
But you know what brings me comfort? That he's no longer in pain. He's in a happy place. He's left quite an impressive legacy and countless achievements we can all look to and aspire to be. My life has changed. And I truly look forward to the positive outcomes so that I can thank my brother for continually playing such a vital role in my life.
But you know what brings me comfort? That he's no longer in pain. He's in a happy place. He's left quite an impressive legacy and countless achievements we can all look to and aspire to be. My life has changed. And I truly look forward to the positive outcomes so that I can thank my brother for continually playing such a vital role in my life.
Take a look at this picture of me and Mia today at the beach. Look at the heart shaped cloud. HE is always with me.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Line of Fire Engines
Even A Hero Can Feel Helpless
Yes, there was a long line of fire engines as my family and I drove Charley through his home of Hermosa Beach for the last time. It was the hearst, our two family cars and a plethora of fire engines from a dozen or so fire stations: Hermosa, Manhattan, Redondo, Torrance, Vernon, Santa Monica, etc. I looked back at the love following my brother down Hermosa Ave. to his station. We got out of the cars while the hearst drove into the station. My four inch heels made a slow click clack into the station to watch my brother in his element for the last time. I made eye contact with every individual who stood against the wall. Another line. Remorseful eyes. Cloudy eyes. Hurting eyes.
Dispatch called my brother:
"Last alarm for Carlos Lopez. Last call for service for Carlos Lopez".
I heard the struggle of muffled cries behind me. I envisioned my brother coming downstairs, jumping into his boots, and swinging his turnouts on. He climbs into Rescue Engine 11 as the engine turns on and the sirens shout his name. Charley and the hearst follow. And my knees tremble.
I dragged my exhausted body and heart back into the car to follow my brother to the church where he had just been three weeks earlier. Attendance was massive. The church was filled past the vast double doors and people spilled out of it. Over 500 PEOPLE mourned my brother that day. All I could do was focus on Charley. I couldn't even see Mia. I couldn't even feel her in my arms. My family was in a zombie-like state. The honor guards presented my mom with a folded flag and my brother's badge in a shadow box. The chief walked it over and that's when my mom broke. That was the moment she felt it. Bagpipe player begins his solemn melody and we walk out and make our way to his final resting place.
I can't tell you what happened at the cemetery. I didn't see anyone, still. I do remember now, that I gracefully walked over to my brother's casket, knelt down and placed my head and arms around him and sang "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are'll never know Charley, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away...".
He told me once that as kids, he'd walk into our room and I'd be sitting singing that song to my dolls..and ultimately him. And ultimately him.
Yes, there was a long line of fire engines as my family and I drove Charley through his home of Hermosa Beach for the last time. It was the hearst, our two family cars and a plethora of fire engines from a dozen or so fire stations: Hermosa, Manhattan, Redondo, Torrance, Vernon, Santa Monica, etc. I looked back at the love following my brother down Hermosa Ave. to his station. We got out of the cars while the hearst drove into the station. My four inch heels made a slow click clack into the station to watch my brother in his element for the last time. I made eye contact with every individual who stood against the wall. Another line. Remorseful eyes. Cloudy eyes. Hurting eyes.
Dispatch called my brother:
"Last alarm for Carlos Lopez. Last call for service for Carlos Lopez".
I heard the struggle of muffled cries behind me. I envisioned my brother coming downstairs, jumping into his boots, and swinging his turnouts on. He climbs into Rescue Engine 11 as the engine turns on and the sirens shout his name. Charley and the hearst follow. And my knees tremble.
I dragged my exhausted body and heart back into the car to follow my brother to the church where he had just been three weeks earlier. Attendance was massive. The church was filled past the vast double doors and people spilled out of it. Over 500 PEOPLE mourned my brother that day. All I could do was focus on Charley. I couldn't even see Mia. I couldn't even feel her in my arms. My family was in a zombie-like state. The honor guards presented my mom with a folded flag and my brother's badge in a shadow box. The chief walked it over and that's when my mom broke. That was the moment she felt it. Bagpipe player begins his solemn melody and we walk out and make our way to his final resting place.

Monday, September 23, 2013
Standing Room Only
He looked just like him at the viewing. My brother, still and motionless. The same face that I would wake up with water to his face or by jumping on him. The same soul that looked asleep when I found him.
Dozens of friends and family and community members came to see him for a last time. Came to pay their respects to my family, came to revel in the love and admiration, came to speak amongst themselves, came to cry, and arrived only to say goodbye. "It's just his body, Yolie," my Dad encouraged. But it didn't matter to me. I held him and cried in anguish. Apologized for not saving him, apologized for failing, apologized for not preventing his loss, and loudly cried on his chest while I clung to his defined features and the soundless beating of his heart.
I can't tell you who was there and how many people appoached me and held me. I can't even tell you what was on my mind. All I could do was stay close to him and stare at my favorite person, my ultimate fan.
How could this happen? Why was HE placed so carefully and beautifully in a box unfitting for his personality. It was wrong. All wrong. The shock and mystified looks on everyones faces came lastly to my own. I built a couple collage boards featuring his smile and his life. Friends, family, Mia- Oh, Mia and their bond, whom he baptized only three weeks before. Their love and joy for one another is so plainly seen to anyone with a pair of soft eyes and precious heart. How could he leave HER? She asks for him all the time. "Nino, Nino!". First couple of weeks she was waking up in the middle of the night crying and pleading for him, and I, I would lull her back to sleep with my own rapid tears and soothing words, "Nino is asleep. Nino is so so tired".
I read his eulogy after the the slide show. I selected PM Dawn's "I'd Die Without You", which I had reserved for my own death and services, and shared it with my brother instead. The song was fitting. So philisophical and on point. "I'm under water and I'm drowning.....isn't it amazing how things completely turn around?" Firstly it's his feelings of desperation and unconditional love and in close second is our desire to take all that pain away from him just to be with him.
"I'd Die Without You" Lyrics
As I stood and walked to the podium, I felt the most immense weight on my heart and in my throat. I stood and looked around the room- over 200 pair of eyes patiently waiting for me to speak and take everyone's pain away. Fill their minds with my own words of comfort and forgiveness. My mouth went dry. I panicked. My heart rate sped up. I felt desperate. Someone tell me this isn't real- I am not standing here reading from a paper I quickly scribbled out 20 minutes before the mass begin.
Dozens of friends and family and community members came to see him for a last time. Came to pay their respects to my family, came to revel in the love and admiration, came to speak amongst themselves, came to cry, and arrived only to say goodbye. "It's just his body, Yolie," my Dad encouraged. But it didn't matter to me. I held him and cried in anguish. Apologized for not saving him, apologized for failing, apologized for not preventing his loss, and loudly cried on his chest while I clung to his defined features and the soundless beating of his heart.
I can't tell you who was there and how many people appoached me and held me. I can't even tell you what was on my mind. All I could do was stay close to him and stare at my favorite person, my ultimate fan.
How could this happen? Why was HE placed so carefully and beautifully in a box unfitting for his personality. It was wrong. All wrong. The shock and mystified looks on everyones faces came lastly to my own. I built a couple collage boards featuring his smile and his life. Friends, family, Mia- Oh, Mia and their bond, whom he baptized only three weeks before. Their love and joy for one another is so plainly seen to anyone with a pair of soft eyes and precious heart. How could he leave HER? She asks for him all the time. "Nino, Nino!". First couple of weeks she was waking up in the middle of the night crying and pleading for him, and I, I would lull her back to sleep with my own rapid tears and soothing words, "Nino is asleep. Nino is so so tired".
I read his eulogy after the the slide show. I selected PM Dawn's "I'd Die Without You", which I had reserved for my own death and services, and shared it with my brother instead. The song was fitting. So philisophical and on point. "I'm under water and I'm drowning.....isn't it amazing how things completely turn around?" Firstly it's his feelings of desperation and unconditional love and in close second is our desire to take all that pain away from him just to be with him.
"I'd Die Without You" Lyrics
As I stood and walked to the podium, I felt the most immense weight on my heart and in my throat. I stood and looked around the room- over 200 pair of eyes patiently waiting for me to speak and take everyone's pain away. Fill their minds with my own words of comfort and forgiveness. My mouth went dry. I panicked. My heart rate sped up. I felt desperate. Someone tell me this isn't real- I am not standing here reading from a paper I quickly scribbled out 20 minutes before the mass begin.
My brother's drive and confidence stems from our childhood when our father passed away. Charley was a spunky kid and always had a mature air about him. Even as a young child, I looked up to him and wanted to be just like him: headstrong, tough, and blessed with the gift of comedy. I used to follow him around and he hated it. But at the end of the night while we were in our bunk beds, he'd give me the time I so profusely asked for. He'd sing songs to me, tell me jokes and we'd play wih his G.I. Joes. As we grew, so did his love for life. You all know: he always had a smile on his handsome face and would make every person he would meet feel special. He was the guy you can count on for anything. Ask, and he'd say yes. What time? No problem, Of course.
I'm heartbroken. I lost the the man in my life. The man who loved me and protected me as a child, kept a safe distance when I began to like boys and loved me more than ever as adults. He told me in his final weeks that I'd been his rock. And it surprised me because all along he had been mine.
I had always been his audience when he learned how to dance to impress the girls, came up with rhymes and flows when he fell into Hip Hop, made flash cards together for paramedic school exams, his ears to listen to every heartbreak, arms to hold him when he surrendered and the voice of reason to tell him I loved him. And I always told him. I never took him for granted.
He'd been my teacher. I soaked and absorbed his life moments and experiences as though they were my own. We were one. And now it's just me...joined by his spirit.
You all lost him. A son. A friend. A nephew. A cousin. A brother.
But you gotta respect him for the way he left us. Everything Charley did, he did with the utmost tenacity. He always did wht he wanted to do. He was a man of his word and when he gave it to you, he was sincere. When he told himself he'd do something , he would do it.
And so he made a choice- even if it wasn't HIM. He was content with all he'd achieved. And he gave up for the first time in his life, knowing very well we'd get through it. And he was brave. He was sooo brave for the decision he made. We can't speculate. We can only forgive. It's the biggest lesson he taught me. Forgive. Forgive yourselves for the guilt and forgive others and cleanse your soul. Get the most out of life and continue trying to be the best version of yourself. I know he always made me feel my best and instilled an inspiration to be better.
I hope he did the same for you.
CrossFit South Bay- Last Lopez Workout
There's something to be said when a family that isn't mine invited me into their athletic morning. I was excited to say the least. Imagining myself among his friends with whom he had dedicated so much time with. And I didn't know what to expect, except to work out with him in mind and not to quit. Being in his space was difficult. I cried between sets and looked out into the parking lot wishing his truck were there. As I pushed through the workout of the day designed in his name, I told him I was sweating for him. Burning calories for him. Keeping strong and steady for him. And as I went through the last set and threw the ball up high against the wall, I reached up for him and high-fived his spirit. He was with me the whole time.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Firefighter Challenge Relay Video
If you couldn't make it to my brother's relay competition it is. From beginning to end. ♥ See what I mean? He's there. You're there. The pride is felt.
Great Tribute for A Great Man
Great Tribute for A Great Man
Saturday, September 21, 2013
And So My Brother Competes

It was a sight to see- a quick five minutes of what any firefighter endures in the line of duty (minus the real-life threat of danger, lol, of course). A celebratory thirty minutes of cheer, pride and soak-faced tears served as comfort in the arms of peace and tranquility. Big sigh. Many big sighs. Many "I'm okay right now" assertions. I found myself to be happy in between the anger and envy of accepting his loss.
And damn am I proud. Geezus, am I proud of him <3
Friday, September 20, 2013
RIP Firefighter Paramedic Carlos Lopez
Good Day LA Video Clip
The honors and remembrance began as a Los Angeles newsworthy clip. Every Friday "Good Day LA" features a bit called "Firehouse Friday". This particular Friday, September 20, 2013, Hermosa Beach Fire Department broadcast my brothers (Instagram Profile) turnouts, boots and engine helmet was put on display for all of L.A. to weep for and see. And did I weep. And shuddered. And thanked my brother for his tremendous and courageous community efforts. What a guy <3
The honors and remembrance began as a Los Angeles newsworthy clip. Every Friday "Good Day LA" features a bit called "Firehouse Friday". This particular Friday, September 20, 2013, Hermosa Beach Fire Department broadcast my brothers (Instagram Profile) turnouts, boots and engine helmet was put on display for all of L.A. to weep for and see. And did I weep. And shuddered. And thanked my brother for his tremendous and courageous community efforts. What a guy <3
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Firefighter Challenge to be Opened in My Brother's Name
Easy Reader News- Carlos Lopez article
Sleep eternally in the arms of Peace and God. We are with you and will support you in your competition this Saturday afternoon. And we will see you through the finish line.
Sleep eternally in the arms of Peace and God. We are with you and will support you in your competition this Saturday afternoon. And we will see you through the finish line.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
I Lost the Man in My Life

It's a cliche, but it's so true: no words can describe the turmoil and loss my family and I are enduring. It's a deep pain that robs your soul of oxygen and yanks the cord of your very worst fear. The loss of someone you think you can't live without is very real. It happens. And when it does, you are literally beside yourself. Hunger is nonexistent as is sleep and logic.
Charley and I were connected by mind and heart and soul and most importantly, by a love most people are never fortunate and blessed to have. We knew this of each other and often discussed how grateful we were to have the other as a constant. I was his rock until the end. And I am his rock, still~ carrying his energy and faith as i struggle to comprehend that he is not returning the last calls I made to him. I am personally experiencing characteristics I never knew I had. I'm weak and unafraid to admit it. Even when this is a time for strength, it's a suffocation I'm tortured with every second. And the battle of "this is a waking nightmare" vs "you've got to get it together for Mia" will improve with time...
And I will say this~ I have become obsessed with postings and pictures on both Instagram and Facebook. I have become the person sitting idly, scrolling and scrolling in search of all words and dedications to and for my brother. And this act alone is providing me with a strength that stems from you all. Thank you ALL for your constant support and frequent insights into your the moments and memories you created and shared with Charley. They will live on. He is gone but his wide-dimpled smile, perfectly aligned white teeth and the bright glints in his eyes are permanently engraved into all of us. He is clearly loved and respected by so many and adored by so many more. Even now, he is uniting us all under his umbrella of hope and unconditional love. Embrace him.
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